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Jiu Jitsu Insurance for Gyms, Coaches and Events

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Are you searching for jiu jitsu insurance to protect your business from financial losses due to accidents and injuries?

The best insurance solution to cover your jiu jitsu gym is a business owner’s policy. It provides the most comprehensive and customizable coverage that can be tailored to your specific needs. It also offers the cost savings compared to purchasing multiple standalone policies. Overall, it provides the most effective way to manage your overall risk exposure through a single, cost-effective insurance package.

Also, when protecting your business during jiu jitsu events, it’s crucial to have general liability insurance to cover third-party injuries and property damage. Accident medical insurance can protect you from participants’ medical expenses and professional liability insurance can protect against claims of negligence by instructors or organizers. Finally, securing event cancellation insurance can protect against financial losses due to unforeseen cancellations.

If you’re a jiu jitsu instructor then professional liability insurance is important to protect against claims of injury or negligence from your students. 

How much does jiu jitsu insurance cost?

Jiu jitsu insurance costs can range from $300 to $5,000 annually depending on the type of business operations. For example, the insurance cost for teaching jiu jitsu classes or hosting jiu jitsu events is significantly different from insurance for managing a jiu jitsu school. Also, if you only teach a couple of classes per week, then on-demand insurance policies might be a cheaper option.

Similar to boxing insurance, the single most important thing to remember is to ensure comprehensive coverage that includes both general liability and personal injury protection. This is crucial to protect you against potential lawsuits and medical costs arising from injuries during practice or instruction.

Types of Coverage for Jiu Jitsu Gyms

Here is a comprehensive overview of the essential insurance coverages needed for Brazilian jiu jitsu gym owners to protect their business.

General Liability Insurance

Protects against third-party bodily injury and property damage claims. This is essential for covering medical expenses and property repairs if someone other than you or your employees gets hurt or their property is damaged due to your gym’s activities.

Accident Medical Insurance

Covers medical expenses for participants injured during practice or events. This goes beyond general liability coverage to ensure that all medical costs for injured students are covered, regardless of fault.

Professional Liability Insurance

Also known as Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance, it protects against claims of negligence or errors by instructors. This is crucial for safeguarding against legal actions stemming from professional advice or instruction that leads to injury or harm.

Property Insurance

Covers damage to the studio or dojo and its contents, including equipment. This insurance protects the physical assets of your studio, such as mats, training gear, sound systems, and other equipment, from risks like fire, theft, vandalism, and weather events.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Provides coverage for employees who may get injured or fall ill due to their job. This is mandatory in most states and ensures that your employees receive medical care and wage replacement benefits for work-related injuries or illnesses.

Event Liability Insurance

Covers specific events, providing additional protection during competitions or seminars. This type of insurance is vital for ensuring that any liabilities arising from special events are adequately covered.

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)

A comprehensive package that combines general liability, property insurance, and business interruption insurance. A BOP is a simpler and often more affordable solution for managing multiple types of coverage, providing broad protection for your business operations.

These types of coverage options help ensure comprehensive coverage to protect you from the various risks associated with operating a jiu jitsu gym. It also provides the peace of mind needed to focus on your participants and instructors. 

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can be an important consideration for jiu jitsu practitioners, instructors, and students who travel for competitions, seminars, or training camps. It extends protection to travel-related risks such as trip cancellations, medical coverage abroad, emergency evacuations and lost baggage. 

What is the Cost of Jiu Jitsu Insurance?

Various factors impact the cost of buying insurance for your jiu jitsu studio. It’s important to evaluate all of the factors below so you understand what causes the insurance rate to go up or down.

Here’s a breakdown of jiu jitsu insurance costs:

Small Jiu Jitsu GymMedium Jiu Jitsu GymLarge Jiu Jitsu Gym
Square Feet of Facility1,000 sq ft2,000-5,000 sq ft5,000+ sq ft
Number of Employees1-2 employees3-5 employees6+ employees
General Liability Cost$500-$1,500 annually$1,500-$3,000 annually$3,000-$7,000 annually
Property Damage Liability Cost$200-$400 annually$400-$800 annually$800-$1,200 annually
Business Property Liability Cost$300-$600 annually$600-$1,200 annually$1,200-$2,500 annually
Data table is valid for the calendar year of 2024.

Besides gym size, another factor is the value of your jiu jitsu equipment. The cost of mats, training gear, and other equipment can vary significantly. Therefore, you need insurance to protect against any damage to your property and equipment against third-party liability. 

The size and type of equipment you have in your jiu jitsu gym can directly impact the insurance cost. A small gym with limited equipment will cost less to insure than a large studio with extensive, high-value gear.

Another factor that impacts your insurance cost is the number of students. Your insurance premium is directly proportional to your enrollment rate. Some insurance providers even have a flat fee per student.

Other factors to consider that might potentially impact your insurance cost are the claims history and whether you participate in competitions or events. In addition, the number of coverages you include in your policy can also add to the total cost of your insurance premium.

How to Choose the Right Jiu Jitsu Insurance Provider?

The first step is to understand your needs by reviewing the jiu jitsu insurance coverage options above and determining how they fit within your business. Next, research potential providers and pay close attention to reputation factors such as their financial strength and customer support rating. Contact our insurance team to learn more.

Here’s a list of three providers you can directly contact:

  1. K&K Insurance
  2. Sadler Sports
  3. Insure Fitness Group

When speaking with an insurance provider, ask about risk management support specific to martial arts businesses. This can include access to resources such as safety training programs for instructors, best practices for injury prevention, and legal advice on liability waivers. 

Providers who offer these additional services demonstrate a deep understanding of the unique risks associated with jiu jitsu and can help you proactively manage those risks, potentially reducing your insurance premiums over time.